Sunday, August 19, 2018

Living in the Present

I was going to entitle this post: "Outdoor Adventures of a Scaredy-cat,"  However, it's really about learning
to live life to the fullest in each moment. Lets face it, I understand as much as anyone that sometimes you just need some time to veg on the couch or cry until your hormones level out, but generally people don't regret finding the motivation to get up off the couch or out of bed to make memories.  Good or bad, we learn from our experiences and we look back and laugh on both pleasant and unpleasant experiences.  It's no fun to attend a gathering where everyone is talking about the memories they have together when you are not part of those memories.  Memories are what we leave behind with those we love.  Those family and friends that we don't have many memories with are likely to consider us more of an acquaintance, they're not going to remember much of us when we are gone and therefore we won't be much missed.  There is great value in making memories.

When I was a young woman, I never wanted to spend money on having experiences.  Much like my father
and brother I generally experienced what I felt that I needed at home.  However, as my children became grown I realized that one of my biggest regrets was that I didn't' do more with them.  Now I am almost an empty nester, and I am starting to live a little more and hide a little less.  Now that I am getting fit and feeling
better about myself, now that I have more energy I am a lot more motivated to plan things and stick to them.  I love the meetup group I belong to, and look forward to planning an outing with them at least 2-3 times weekly.  I feel like I have made a life for myself and it makes "a more active lifestyle" less of an effort.

One of my issues is that I love being outside in nature but I'm definitely a scaredy cat.  Possibly because I over think things, and possibly because I think things through realistically.  I am in no way an adrenaline junkie or a thrill seeker.  I am afraid of cougars, bears, wolves, snakes etc.  I am afraid of falling and hurting myself.  Most of the time I feel like I'm the only one in my circle that has these active fears even though I rarely voice them, they are definitely part of my consciousness.  I really don't know and wonder if it's a good thing, or a bad thing.  I often watch people doing things on tv and wonder if they are just very brave or if they don't think things through very well.  I want to have excitement, not fear.  That being said, I do the things that I enjoy doing and just take all the precautions that I am able to stay safe, but I still try to step outside my comfort zone and enjoy life and life has improved so much since I've done just that.

Another big issue is laziness.  I get tired.  I don't "feel like it."  I see going and doing things as more trouble than it's worth.  Yet, the more I sit on the couch and watch television, the more I feel like I'm invisible, forgotten and worthless.  I deserve to be posting the same things on fb that my friends are.  I don't want social media to be my whole social life.  So I get up early and drag my butt out of bed knowing I'll see people and enjoy myself once I get out there.  If I do something active like kayak or hike, then I generally don't have to go to the gym and that is a plus!  No one "visits" at the gym!  I never regret going out and doing things to have fun once I do them.... it's just dragging my lazy butt off the couch to go get ready and that's a pretty small obstacle in the grand scheme of things.

Most people blame being broke either financially or physically.  I live payday to payday as well... but you can't take it with you. It's worth it because as I said memories are valuable both to us and those we share them with.  It doesn't cost much to rent a kayak ($12/hr.) or save up and get a bike, or spend your tax return on camping equipment.  Joining "Fun Runs" is usually only about $25/person and once you've registered it's more motivating to get out and do it!  It seems like I always run into friends when my daughter and I do those together!  Hiking is free and you can certainly buy equipment a little at a time especially if you are hiking for one afternoon with a group of people.  Rollerskating, dancing, bowling, pee-wee/putt putt golf, are all generally pretty cheap, planning a picnic at the park is almost free and all you need is food and a Frisbee! Archery, disc golf, even street festivals and craft fairs in your area. If you have injuries I'm sure there is something you can do.... bad knees?  Find a local swimming pool! #noexcuses!

Some of us are just shy, we have our insecurities.  I am not shy at all... but I have a lot of insecurities about myself.  I think people don't want to hang out with me because I talk a lot and I don't want to call and bother people.  I also am afraid I'll be rejected, but this is how you find out who your true life-long friends are!  Maybe the people that you enjoy are sitting home thinking they wish someone like you would call and invite them to go do something.  What if they are wishing they had pictures with friends to post on social media.  What if they don't feel like they are worth the effort and they don't want to be a bother.  What if you call someone and make their day?  What's the worst that could happen? Is it really worth not doing anything and just hiding in a dark hole watching make-believe stories on television.

No one regrets going out to have fun.  So make at least one day a week a day when you go do something fun.  Live in the moment, don't just exist.  Celebrate what your body CAN do!  Plan something with people and MAKE IT HAPPEN!  Don't waste time! Tomorrow is not promised, not only for you... but for all those you love and care for.  Make cookies for someone, go visit them. #noregrets!

It will be worth it I assure you when you're going through pictures on New Years Eve from the past year and you're seeing all that you enjoyed.  Make sure that you don't just have texts to look back on! The pictures included here are all from this year except the one with me and the horse... which simply reminds me I gotta get back to that SOON!  I'm grateful (especially to my daughter, Emma Pi, for making my life better, for appreciating me and loving me and being there for me.  Also, to the man whose soul is one with mine (below.)  He brings me more joy and peace than he could ever imgine, you're all just lucky that I'm not so corny I can't shut up about my love life! (you're welcome... I'm a grown-up.) So this is how my year is going, I have a visual record and a heart that's full.  So get outside, get a little crazy, laugh, love, be kind... live.

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