Monday, May 28, 2018

Your mind is your most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

     So today (Wednesday)  I talked with a trainer at the gym.  I know that different trainers have different philosophies, and the conversation started when I asked which is "correct," muscles before cardio, or cardio before muscles? (short answer was mix it up and keep your body guessing.)  Anyway we got to talking about a few of my friends and myself and how we all operate differently when it comes to taking care of ourselves.  People are raised differently, we are different people and therefore we are, for lack of a better term "wired" differently.  Some of  my friends make excuses and accept their health like victims of life, some of them seek professional training and take what their trainers tell them as gospel.  I myself, work on my own program (mostly I follow my fitbit.)  Today I hit the 20 lbs lost mark.
(...for the third time.) I have two goals right now: to get healthy and to stay healthy, the latter of the two being my real struggle in the future.  Right now I'm motivated because I'm working toward doing a 5K with my daughter.  Over the years I have learned a lot about myself, I've learned that I have a strong mind (meaning strength of will and determination) and the adage "Train the mind and the body will follow" is true to a T. That being said, I know I can do it and I know that I will do it.  Also I've learned that I won't stick with anything I don't like doing.  This is why I walk instead of run (also running hurts my knees.)  I like to walk, I'm lapping everyone on the couch, and when I walk at the gym I can set the pace and watch Netflix which makes it more enjoyable and less of a chore.  I have "gym" series' that I only watch there and I remind myself it's time to see what happens next.  This trainer I spoke to today, seemed pleased that I understood that it comes from the mind... if your mind is in the right place you will succeed, and a lot of people don't get that.
 It all begins in the mind.  During my "walk" on the treadmill a friend walked up and I told him I'd lost 20 lbs, he replied, "again?" (with a smile.) I said yes, and this time I'm not gaining it back.  He smiled.  The lady on the treadmill next to me said that she didn't think he was as supportive as he should have been... I didn't notice, what he said, made me smile, motivated me and I didn't give it a single negative thought.  Why didn't I see it the way she was seeing it?  Because it truly didn't matter to me  if he was proud of me or not, I'm not trying to impress him.  I am extremely proud of myself, I know how hard I work and what I have accomplished.  He said nothing untrue, but ultimately it is our own mind and the perspective we choose that determines weather or not we succeed.  In a recent commercial with Steph Curry he says, (paraphrasing) "the mind is where every challenge has been won or lost."  I love that because it's so true.
 Peoples minds can overcome their bodies.  All of us have bad days, all of us are self critical... but if you are mentally strong, if you have the will you overcome that.  Look at the positive, don't dwell on past bad habits, focus on future good habits.  Don't dwell on how far you have to go, focus on how far you have come... and just making a good decision that wasn't an easy decision is coming quite a ways.  Sometimes I watch "People are Awesome" videos on fb or YouTube while I walk, and it's always amazing what people choose to do with themselves, but the fact that they can do what they do shouldn't be a surprise.  We can accomplish anything we set our mind to. 

Worked on this quite a while last night and this morning, my changes are missing.  I'm going to post it as is, bear with me as I'm am new to this.  

Sunday, May 20, 2018

What this new blog is for, and a little about me...

This (hopefully) weekly blog is intended to be a mix of help, entertainment and information on my perspective.  If you are just curious about what other people think or how they handle daily issues; this is how I deal with mine.  Feel free to join me on my journey.  If it helps you then I'm glad, if it makes you laugh, then I'm glad, if you think it's stupid, then move on... best wishes.  Any suggestions on weekly topics or reasonable questions are welcome, however, (disclaimer) I have no qualifications to give any advice other than my membership in the human race.  I'm 48, divorced once, married now for 20 years, I've raised 4 kids (girls are now 30 & 25; boys are now 19 & almost 16,) I currently clean houses as my only employment and I enjoy my life. My latest challenge is to get back in shape, (lose weight) and make friends who do active/healthy things without drama or negativity.  I already do crafts and spend time with my husband when I can hiking, camping etc. I also like to cook. I accept diversity and although I try not to condemn others I do have my opinions as is human nature. I am new to blogging so bear with me, I'm trying to figure it out as I go along.  If I can share a hack or cheer someone up, or leave a positive impression on someones day... it will make mine.  

Being Strong Despite Insecurities.

I've had a rough week.  I finally and briefly talked to someone I hardly ever get to talk to.  She said that we can't talk about ou...